Thursday, February 17, 2011

Qualifications for the FBI

Are you physically fit??? Are you physically fit for the FBI???
Well lets see....
1.To become a special agent you must complete:
2.A maximum number of sit-ups in one (1) minute.
3.A timed three hundred (300) meter dash.
4.Maximum number of push-ups (not timed)
5.A timed one-half mile (1.5) run

Candidates must have at least a 20/200 uncorrected vision in both eyes, and a 20/20 or  a 20/40 vision with any form of correction. If a candidate has had laser eye corrective surgery, a six-month waiting period is required prior to beginning New Agents' Training at the FBI Academy.

1.average hearing loss of 25 decibels (ANSI) at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz
2. single reading of 35 decibels at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz
3. single reading of 35 decibels at 500 Hertz
4. single reading of 45 decibels at 4000 Hertz

This link below is to watch a short video on the physical aspect of being an FBI agent. (video is about 3/4 of the way down)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Famous Cases and other types of crime.

Some of the most famous people that the FBI has worked to bring down people such as;

Organized Crime/Gangsters: Al Capone, John Dillinger, Bonnie & Clyde, "Machine Gun" Kelly, John Gotti, and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.

Terriorism: The 9/11 Investigation, Anthrax/Amerithrax, Beltway Snipers: Part 1 & Part 2, The Unabomber, The Pan Am 103 Bombine, The World Trade Center Bombing of 1993, and The Wall Street Bombing of 1920.

There are m,any other types of criomes they have investigated are White Collar Crimes, Counterintelligence/Espionage, Violent Crimes/Major Theft/Bank Robberies, Cybercrime, Public Corruption, and Historical Rights.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hostage Resuce Team

Hostage Rescue Team (HRT): Established in 1983 the HRT is a national counterterrorist unit, they provide tactial opperations to extraordinary hostage crisis, they respond to the most complicated and important FBI situations. There are different units in the FBI's HRT squads, these teams are the sniper/observer team and assualter team, they are both supported by a tactical helicopter unit, tactical mobility team, logistics, intelligence, communications, and command staffs. There are tactical experience requirements that come with being on the HRT, those requirements are at least 3 years of tactical experience in either law enforcement or the military, Completion of continuing education courses in at least three of the following: basic SWAT, advanced SWAT,  hostage rescue,  high risk arrest,  barricaded subject, basic sniper/observer advanced sniper/observer, tactical firearms, mechanical breaching.

Special Agent

Special Agent: FBI agents are responsible for conducting very special invstigations the involve national security. A list of these crimes are: terrorism, foreign counterintelligence, cyber crime, organized crime, white-collar crime, public corruption, civil rights violations, financial crime, bribery, bank robbery, extortion, kidnapping, air piracy, interstate criminal activity, fugitive and drug-trafficking matters, and other violations of federal statutes. The qualifications to become a special agent are, you must be a U.S. citizen or a citizen of the Northern Mariana Islands. You must be at least 23 years of age, but younger than 37. You must have a four-year degree from a college or university accredited by one of the regional or national institutional associations recognized by the United States Secretary of Education. You must have at least three years of professional work experience. You must also possess a valid driver's license and be completely available for assignment anywhere in the FBI's jurisdiction.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Linguistics: This plays a vital role in things such as transcription, reporting, analysis, and the translation of material that deal with national security. Many of the things they deal with are, Terrorism, foreign counterintelligence, organized crime, air piracy, interstate criminal activity, public corruption, financial crime, bribery, civil rights violations, kidnapping, drug trafficking. By investigating all these this makes linguistics one of the harder jobs in the FBI.