Thursday, February 17, 2011

Qualifications for the FBI

Are you physically fit??? Are you physically fit for the FBI???
Well lets see....
1.To become a special agent you must complete:
2.A maximum number of sit-ups in one (1) minute.
3.A timed three hundred (300) meter dash.
4.Maximum number of push-ups (not timed)
5.A timed one-half mile (1.5) run

Candidates must have at least a 20/200 uncorrected vision in both eyes, and a 20/20 or  a 20/40 vision with any form of correction. If a candidate has had laser eye corrective surgery, a six-month waiting period is required prior to beginning New Agents' Training at the FBI Academy.

1.average hearing loss of 25 decibels (ANSI) at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz
2. single reading of 35 decibels at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz
3. single reading of 35 decibels at 500 Hertz
4. single reading of 45 decibels at 4000 Hertz

This link below is to watch a short video on the physical aspect of being an FBI agent. (video is about 3/4 of the way down)

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