Monday, February 14, 2011

Famous Cases and other types of crime.

Some of the most famous people that the FBI has worked to bring down people such as;

Organized Crime/Gangsters: Al Capone, John Dillinger, Bonnie & Clyde, "Machine Gun" Kelly, John Gotti, and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.

Terriorism: The 9/11 Investigation, Anthrax/Amerithrax, Beltway Snipers: Part 1 & Part 2, The Unabomber, The Pan Am 103 Bombine, The World Trade Center Bombing of 1993, and The Wall Street Bombing of 1920.

There are m,any other types of criomes they have investigated are White Collar Crimes, Counterintelligence/Espionage, Violent Crimes/Major Theft/Bank Robberies, Cybercrime, Public Corruption, and Historical Rights.

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