Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hostage Resuce Team

Hostage Rescue Team (HRT): Established in 1983 the HRT is a national counterterrorist unit, they provide tactial opperations to extraordinary hostage crisis, they respond to the most complicated and important FBI situations. There are different units in the FBI's HRT squads, these teams are the sniper/observer team and assualter team, they are both supported by a tactical helicopter unit, tactical mobility team, logistics, intelligence, communications, and command staffs. There are tactical experience requirements that come with being on the HRT, those requirements are at least 3 years of tactical experience in either law enforcement or the military, Completion of continuing education courses in at least three of the following: basic SWAT, advanced SWAT,  hostage rescue,  high risk arrest,  barricaded subject, basic sniper/observer advanced sniper/observer, tactical firearms, mechanical breaching.

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